"What causes lefties to turn into conservatives? Conservatives are fascinated with this question, repeating, often for years on end, their stories of deliverance from liberal hell to conservative heaven. Several such testimonies can be found in a new volume, Why I Turned Right: Leading Baby Boom Conservatives Chronicle Their Political Journeys. Most of the journeys described are short ones--from apolitical child of (generally) conservative parents to conservative young adult. (Rich Lowry's progression from son of Republican parents to avid teenage reader of National Review to editor of National Review lacks the dramatic tension of, say, Whittaker Chambers's Witness.) Of the essays that do describe genuine left-to-right conversions, the striking thing about them is that encounters with actual liberalism are virtually absent. Heather Mac Donald details her experiences in academia with literary deconstructionism and critical legal studies. P.J. O'Rourke recalls that he "was a communist, unless I really was an anarchist or an anarcho-syndicalist or a Trotskyite or a Maoist." And Stanley Kurtz describes campus activists cheering when Ronald Reagan was shot and the sight of "severed pig heads impaled on poles carried by antiwar demonstrators in New York's Central Park."Este é mais um livro-"Why I turned Right"- publicado nos Eua sobre a migração político-intelectual dos esquerdistas para a direita.Mas convertem-se e abjuram. Por cá eles vêm, mas em vez de mudarem de ideias trazem as suas ideias a que geralmente só acrescentam uma fé brusca e muito intensa nas virtudes do capitalismp"selvagem". E depois passama gurus dos partidos do dito"centro- direita".Por isso estes não têm uma ideia política e quem as tem não está lá a fazer nada.
"What causes lefties to turn into conservatives? Conservatives are fascinated with this question, repeating, often for years on end, their stories of deliverance from liberal hell to conservative heaven. Several such testimonies can be found in a new volume, Why I Turned Right: Leading Baby Boom Conservatives Chronicle Their Political Journeys. Most of the journeys described are short ones--from apolitical child of (generally) conservative parents to conservative young adult. (Rich Lowry's progression from son of Republican parents to avid teenage reader of National Review to editor of National Review lacks the dramatic tension of, say, Whittaker Chambers's Witness.) Of the essays that do describe genuine left-to-right conversions, the striking thing about them is that encounters with actual liberalism are virtually absent. Heather Mac Donald details her experiences in academia with literary deconstructionism and critical legal studies. P.J. O'Rourke recalls that he "was a communist, unless I really was an anarchist or an anarcho-syndicalist or a Trotskyite or a Maoist." And Stanley Kurtz describes campus activists cheering when Ronald Reagan was shot and the sight of "severed pig heads impaled on poles carried by antiwar demonstrators in New York's Central Park."Este é mais um livro-"Why I turned Right"- publicado nos Eua sobre a migração político-intelectual dos esquerdistas para a direita.Mas convertem-se e abjuram. Por cá eles vêm, mas em vez de mudarem de ideias trazem as suas ideias a que geralmente só acrescentam uma fé brusca e muito intensa nas virtudes do capitalismp"selvagem". E depois passama gurus dos partidos do dito"centro- direita".Por isso estes não têm uma ideia política e quem as tem não está lá a fazer nada.