David Miliband, ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros trabalhista, participou num debate sobre austeridade versus estímulos à economia, organizado pelo Financial Times. Pode ser visto aqui (após registo).Miliband critica o governo conservador, tendo posto em relevo a política industrial do governo português: “pursue an industrial strategy for the 21st century, marshalling the state's tools of procurement, regulation, planning and taxation to attract the private sector where it is needed most. We can learn from Portugal's initiative on infrastructure for electric car-charging, a viable commercial case for investment in manufacturing.”
David Miliband, ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros trabalhista, participou num debate sobre austeridade versus estímulos à economia, organizado pelo Financial Times. Pode ser visto aqui (após registo).Miliband critica o governo conservador, tendo posto em relevo a política industrial do governo português: “pursue an industrial strategy for the 21st century, marshalling the state's tools of procurement, regulation, planning and taxation to attract the private sector where it is needed most. We can learn from Portugal's initiative on infrastructure for electric car-charging, a viable commercial case for investment in manufacturing.”