"The PISA 2009 results demonstrate that Portugal is making progress in achieving the goals set by the reformers. Among countries that are at or above the OECD average, Portugal was the only one that improved in all three PISA assessment areas, with most improvements occurring between 2006 and 2009 (see Figure V.1.2 and Tables V.2.1, V.3.1, V.3.3 and V.3.4). Reading performance has improved by 19 points since 2000; and over the same nine-year period, the changes for mathematics and science were of similar magnitude, although they were achieved over a shorter period of time." PISA [pp. 68- 69]
"The PISA 2009 results demonstrate that Portugal is making progress in achieving the goals set by the reformers. Among countries that are at or above the OECD average, Portugal was the only one that improved in all three PISA assessment areas, with most improvements occurring between 2006 and 2009 (see Figure V.1.2 and Tables V.2.1, V.3.1, V.3.3 and V.3.4). Reading performance has improved by 19 points since 2000; and over the same nine-year period, the changes for mathematics and science were of similar magnitude, although they were achieved over a shorter period of time." PISA [pp. 68- 69]