Blogue Aduaneiro, Alfândegas, Customs, Douanes, Aduanas, Comércio Mundial, Import-Export: What happens when the vessel arrives at the first port of entry?

marcar artigo

Upon arrival in the first port of entry, the vessel operator must submit, for all shipments carried on the arriving vessel, a so-called Arrival Notification, allowing customs to identify all the ENS that were previously lodged for the shipments.For the containers to be discharged in the first port a summary declaration for temporary storage must be lodged by or on behalf of the person presenting the goods to customs. The customs authorities may allow summary declaration for temporary storage to take the form of a manifest and may allow the summary declaration for temporary storage to be merged with the arrival notification.


Upon arrival in the first port of entry, the vessel operator must submit, for all shipments carried on the arriving vessel, a so-called Arrival Notification, allowing customs to identify all the ENS that were previously lodged for the shipments.For the containers to be discharged in the first port a summary declaration for temporary storage must be lodged by or on behalf of the person presenting the goods to customs. The customs authorities may allow summary declaration for temporary storage to take the form of a manifest and may allow the summary declaration for temporary storage to be merged with the arrival notification.


marcar artigo