...nos EUA. Aqui, num artigo de Abigail Thernstrom, no Boston Globe. Há um fosso entre o aproveitamento escolar dos alunos brancos e asiáticos, em contraponto a negros e hispânicos. E a situação tende a piorar. Um excerto: "Here in Massachusetts, where the high school class of 2005 has begun the MCAS testing process, the gap is crystal clear. On the first try, 82 percent of white 10th-graders passed, and the figure for Asians was almost as high (77 percent). But the success rate for Hispanics was 42 percent and for blacks 47 percent. Across the nation, the glaring racial gap is between whites and Asians on the one hand, and blacks and Hispanics on the other.".
...nos EUA. Aqui, num artigo de Abigail Thernstrom, no Boston Globe. Há um fosso entre o aproveitamento escolar dos alunos brancos e asiáticos, em contraponto a negros e hispânicos. E a situação tende a piorar. Um excerto: "Here in Massachusetts, where the high school class of 2005 has begun the MCAS testing process, the gap is crystal clear. On the first try, 82 percent of white 10th-graders passed, and the figure for Asians was almost as high (77 percent). But the success rate for Hispanics was 42 percent and for blacks 47 percent. Across the nation, the glaring racial gap is between whites and Asians on the one hand, and blacks and Hispanics on the other.".