In Concreto: Vídeo do ponto mais alto de Portugal

marcar artigo

Palavras do autor: Look at this view of volcano Pico during winter ! Pico is located in the Azores islands. Impressive views over the Atlantic ocean, isn't it? I'm not going to forget that. Yannick, another hiker, took a picture of me with his tele lens from the other side of the crater. I'm looking forward to see the result. Yannick walked from a distance; although we stayed connected by mobile phones during the whole climbing. Not so comfortable to walk on a mix of basalt rocks and snow... I'm sorry for the Italian accent.. something related to both : the cold and the emotion :)Last words : go go go for the Azores!

Palavras do autor: Look at this view of volcano Pico during winter ! Pico is located in the Azores islands. Impressive views over the Atlantic ocean, isn't it? I'm not going to forget that. Yannick, another hiker, took a picture of me with his tele lens from the other side of the crater. I'm looking forward to see the result. Yannick walked from a distance; although we stayed connected by mobile phones during the whole climbing. Not so comfortable to walk on a mix of basalt rocks and snow... I'm sorry for the Italian accent.. something related to both : the cold and the emotion :)Last words : go go go for the Azores!

marcar artigo