POR CAUSA DELE: Exit Polls: Tea Party Supporters Went for Romney

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Exit Polls: Tea Party Supporters Went for Romney Tuesday, January 10, 2012 08:57 PM By: Henry J. Reske
Tea party supporters lined up behind former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in his New Hampshire primary victory.

Exit polls show that of the 51 percent of voters who said they supported the tea party movement, 37 percent went for Romney. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, the projected second place finisher, had 22 percent of tea party support followed by former senator Rick Santorum at was at 16 percent.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was at 14 percent, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman with 9 percent and Texas Governor Rick Perry at 1 percent.

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Exit Polls: Tea Party Supporters Went for Romney Tuesday, January 10, 2012 08:57 PM By: Henry J. Reske
Tea party supporters lined up behind former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in his New Hampshire primary victory.

Exit polls show that of the 51 percent of voters who said they supported the tea party movement, 37 percent went for Romney. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, the projected second place finisher, had 22 percent of tea party support followed by former senator Rick Santorum at was at 16 percent.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was at 14 percent, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman with 9 percent and Texas Governor Rick Perry at 1 percent.

© Newsmax. All rights reserved.

marcar artigo