portugal contemporâneo: the ultimate thing

marcar artigo

Dear LR,Thank you for your letter and for quoting me. Let me remind you that the exact wording of Arroja's First Law of Competition is: "A concorrência é boa e desejável em todos os sectores de actividade - excepto no nosso". As you might have noticed, this Law is simply a corolary of the most important trait of our own culture - Catholic Exceptionalism (or Personalism).I really appreciated your mention of my trip to Fátima. That was one of the greatest, if not the greatest experience of my life. The crowded roads and my sore feet were just little details. I never told my readers of the most important meaning that trip had to me.It was virility. Yes, virility. I had never felt as virile in my entire life as during those five days I walked alone to Fátima, for more than 220 Kilometers. I felt that I was doing the ultimate thing for a woman, as I had already done everyting else I could. I went to Fátima to ask the Virgin Mary to intercede before God to save my wife, as she was suffering from a very serious illness.Today, I am still extremely proud of what I did.My trip to Fátima taught me the true meaning of virility. It is for a man to do the ultimate thing for a woman.Regards.PA

Dear LR,Thank you for your letter and for quoting me. Let me remind you that the exact wording of Arroja's First Law of Competition is: "A concorrência é boa e desejável em todos os sectores de actividade - excepto no nosso". As you might have noticed, this Law is simply a corolary of the most important trait of our own culture - Catholic Exceptionalism (or Personalism).I really appreciated your mention of my trip to Fátima. That was one of the greatest, if not the greatest experience of my life. The crowded roads and my sore feet were just little details. I never told my readers of the most important meaning that trip had to me.It was virility. Yes, virility. I had never felt as virile in my entire life as during those five days I walked alone to Fátima, for more than 220 Kilometers. I felt that I was doing the ultimate thing for a woman, as I had already done everyting else I could. I went to Fátima to ask the Virgin Mary to intercede before God to save my wife, as she was suffering from a very serious illness.Today, I am still extremely proud of what I did.My trip to Fátima taught me the true meaning of virility. It is for a man to do the ultimate thing for a woman.Regards.PA

marcar artigo