The Blog: Cuidado! Mesmo que seja num Jeep!

marcar artigo

Isto ou muito pior é o que pode acontecer quando não se tem todos os cuidados e mais alguns no uso de guinchos!!! Malta, todos os cuidados são poucos, mesmo para quem tem um Jeep!Link da notícia: by Winch Cable After Pulling a Jeep "I´m from a place called San Luis Potosí, in Mexico, we have a jeep club, with about 30 jeep members, and one day we were on an excursion, we got stuck on a river and we needed to get one out from there so we had to use two winches to get this truck out of there, My friend Leonardo was close to the winch cable, and he had a terrible hang over, mayby he was still a bit drunk from last nigh by the time the accident happened it was like 11:00 o clock on a sunday morning, he was giving directions to a guy who was driving the winch when suddenly the cable gave a wip and almost cut his leg, whe where kind of far away from a hospital but we managed to get him to a hospital the doctors did his job, and now after two years he has his fit atached to his leg, and he is walking, he hasent finish with the quirurgical stuf, he had an infection in the bone for like about 1 year and 9 months, but now he is ok"

Isto ou muito pior é o que pode acontecer quando não se tem todos os cuidados e mais alguns no uso de guinchos!!! Malta, todos os cuidados são poucos, mesmo para quem tem um Jeep!Link da notícia: by Winch Cable After Pulling a Jeep "I´m from a place called San Luis Potosí, in Mexico, we have a jeep club, with about 30 jeep members, and one day we were on an excursion, we got stuck on a river and we needed to get one out from there so we had to use two winches to get this truck out of there, My friend Leonardo was close to the winch cable, and he had a terrible hang over, mayby he was still a bit drunk from last nigh by the time the accident happened it was like 11:00 o clock on a sunday morning, he was giving directions to a guy who was driving the winch when suddenly the cable gave a wip and almost cut his leg, whe where kind of far away from a hospital but we managed to get him to a hospital the doctors did his job, and now after two years he has his fit atached to his leg, and he is walking, he hasent finish with the quirurgical stuf, he had an infection in the bone for like about 1 year and 9 months, but now he is ok"

marcar artigo