Depois de andar toda satisfeita a passear no quintal e de ir buscar a M. ao colégio, a Palmira ficou muito quieta, deitada toda esticada no chão da gaiola e nem queria andar mais cá fora. Já estávamos a pensar que era o seu fim. Que grande susto nos pregou! Até Ben-U-Ron lhe dei, em dose de recém-nascido, o que foi um custo pois recusava-se a abrir a boca. Agora já está bem melhor, já come, já salta, já foge e tudo! Espero que tenha sido realmente só um susto!!!English Version:After walking all happy in the back yard and fetching M. at school, Palmira was very quiet, all lying stretched on the floor of its cage and didn't even want to get out. We were thinking that she was finished. What a scare she gave us! I even gave her Ben-U-Ron in a dose of newly born, which was very dificult because she refused to open its mouth. Now it's much better, she already eats, jumps, and everything! I hope that it was really just a scare!!!
Depois de andar toda satisfeita a passear no quintal e de ir buscar a M. ao colégio, a Palmira ficou muito quieta, deitada toda esticada no chão da gaiola e nem queria andar mais cá fora. Já estávamos a pensar que era o seu fim. Que grande susto nos pregou! Até Ben-U-Ron lhe dei, em dose de recém-nascido, o que foi um custo pois recusava-se a abrir a boca. Agora já está bem melhor, já come, já salta, já foge e tudo! Espero que tenha sido realmente só um susto!!!English Version:After walking all happy in the back yard and fetching M. at school, Palmira was very quiet, all lying stretched on the floor of its cage and didn't even want to get out. We were thinking that she was finished. What a scare she gave us! I even gave her Ben-U-Ron in a dose of newly born, which was very dificult because she refused to open its mouth. Now it's much better, she already eats, jumps, and everything! I hope that it was really just a scare!!!