Tribute to Skrewdrivers

marcar artigo

Homenagem a todos os que combateram e morreram na terrível frente Russa lutando por um ideal que continua vivo, hail!!!Versão dos RahowaHe sat in a roomin a square of the color of blood.He'd rule the whole worldif there was a way that he could.He'd sit and he'd stareat the minreds on top of the towers.For he was a beastas he hatched his new plans to gain power.(chorus)And the snow fellcovering the dreams and ideals.And the snow fellfreezing the blood and the wheels.And the snow fellthey had to keep worm for survival.And the snow felldefeating the beast's only rival.They took the old roadsthat Napoleon had taken before.They fought as a force as a lightagainst the darkness in a holy war.One day they were looking aroundand the sun was shining on the cold flowers.The next day they were freezing to deathin the snow and the ice cold showers.(chorus)Then came the deadly roadsback from the stairs of their retreat.The cold racked their bodiesbut worse was the pain of defeat.Many people who had hailed them oncenow turned and looked away.These people now knewthat the beast was on it's way.(chorus)You finally came backto the borders of your fatherland.Now enemies cametraitors everywhere at hand.Many people who had fought and diedknowing that they had to win.It still sickens my heartto see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.(chorus)

Homenagem a todos os que combateram e morreram na terrível frente Russa lutando por um ideal que continua vivo, hail!!!Versão dos RahowaHe sat in a roomin a square of the color of blood.He'd rule the whole worldif there was a way that he could.He'd sit and he'd stareat the minreds on top of the towers.For he was a beastas he hatched his new plans to gain power.(chorus)And the snow fellcovering the dreams and ideals.And the snow fellfreezing the blood and the wheels.And the snow fellthey had to keep worm for survival.And the snow felldefeating the beast's only rival.They took the old roadsthat Napoleon had taken before.They fought as a force as a lightagainst the darkness in a holy war.One day they were looking aroundand the sun was shining on the cold flowers.The next day they were freezing to deathin the snow and the ice cold showers.(chorus)Then came the deadly roadsback from the stairs of their retreat.The cold racked their bodiesbut worse was the pain of defeat.Many people who had hailed them oncenow turned and looked away.These people now knewthat the beast was on it's way.(chorus)You finally came backto the borders of your fatherland.Now enemies cametraitors everywhere at hand.Many people who had fought and diedknowing that they had to win.It still sickens my heartto see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.(chorus)

marcar artigo