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Sou fã do cinema quentin-tarantiniano. Gostei do Death Proof e genericamente subscrevo a opinião a seguir transcrita, ainda que aqui e ali algo aparentemente ambígua e gradativamente descrescente ou desconexa com as asserções iniciais: Author: roko-10 from New Zealand «Can't see why people dismiss DEATH PROOF as being an inferior product. Heck Quentin Tarantino makes such good cinema that is indelibly stamped with his characteristic signature. I suppose the movie is purely a referential hoot for film buffs and those who have a bent for irresponsible cinema. In-jokes abound, cameo roles. Hey, great to see that mad film maker Eli Roth turn up playing what appears to be his scabrous self. Kurt Russell's evolution from Disney movies to Snake Pliskin and now Stuntman Mike. Stuntman Mike is just a jaded Snake Plisken with some unusual interests. I figure Quentin has intentionally besmershed the genres mixing it all up to produce some pure American grunge. DEATH PROOF is thoroughly enjoyable if you dig trashy movies and let's face it, trashy flicks are great time wasters.They're also great escapes from the hard rigours of life in the 21st century. The version that has been released separately as opposed to the GRINDHOUSE package is far superior. Come on, admit it, Quentin Tarantino makes FUN movies.»

Sou fã do cinema quentin-tarantiniano. Gostei do Death Proof e genericamente subscrevo a opinião a seguir transcrita, ainda que aqui e ali algo aparentemente ambígua e gradativamente descrescente ou desconexa com as asserções iniciais: Author: roko-10 from New Zealand «Can't see why people dismiss DEATH PROOF as being an inferior product. Heck Quentin Tarantino makes such good cinema that is indelibly stamped with his characteristic signature. I suppose the movie is purely a referential hoot for film buffs and those who have a bent for irresponsible cinema. In-jokes abound, cameo roles. Hey, great to see that mad film maker Eli Roth turn up playing what appears to be his scabrous self. Kurt Russell's evolution from Disney movies to Snake Pliskin and now Stuntman Mike. Stuntman Mike is just a jaded Snake Plisken with some unusual interests. I figure Quentin has intentionally besmershed the genres mixing it all up to produce some pure American grunge. DEATH PROOF is thoroughly enjoyable if you dig trashy movies and let's face it, trashy flicks are great time wasters.They're also great escapes from the hard rigours of life in the 21st century. The version that has been released separately as opposed to the GRINDHOUSE package is far superior. Come on, admit it, Quentin Tarantino makes FUN movies.»

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