Joao in Lalaland....: New Nobel prize

marcar artigo

Important reading. For what i read so far its really on my must read list. Not only his autobiography but also is other works. (if you can find it...trying to get hold of it... its getting sold out)Yunus ideas are so amazingly simple and it works. Not only in micro lending but in creating synergies, sustainable development and creation of wealth (and keeping it).Definitivamente seria giro ver que efeitos teria se este livro fosse lido extensivamente em Portugal, não só por empresários mas pela população em geral.Algumas das ideas adaptadas á realidade portuguesa seriam um sucesso. Mais uma vez Sinergias, crescimento sustentado,...BANKER TO THE POOR Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty MUHAMMAD YUNUSMaybe The Gulbenkian Foundation, in Portugal, could invite him for a symposium.

Important reading. For what i read so far its really on my must read list. Not only his autobiography but also is other works. (if you can find it...trying to get hold of it... its getting sold out)Yunus ideas are so amazingly simple and it works. Not only in micro lending but in creating synergies, sustainable development and creation of wealth (and keeping it).Definitivamente seria giro ver que efeitos teria se este livro fosse lido extensivamente em Portugal, não só por empresários mas pela população em geral.Algumas das ideas adaptadas á realidade portuguesa seriam um sucesso. Mais uma vez Sinergias, crescimento sustentado,...BANKER TO THE POOR Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty MUHAMMAD YUNUSMaybe The Gulbenkian Foundation, in Portugal, could invite him for a symposium.

marcar artigo