Unfortunately i couldn't find this News in English so i did a quick translation (below).To read the news in Portuguese (Br.) click on the link."Grupo dá recompensa a quem matar gays em Jerusalém""Mais de cinco mil dólares é o que vale cada homossexual morto durante a parada gay de Jerusalém, que acontece na próxima sexta-feira, 10/11.Um grupo extremista israelense está oferecendo US$ 5,2 mil pela morte de ativistas homossexuais que participarem da manifestação, já marcada por protestos de judeus ultra-ortodoxos.Segundo a polícia israelense, os homossexuais correm risco de serem atropelados e atingidos por granadas ou coquetéis molotov."English Translation:"Radical Jewish/Israeli Group offers Reward to whom kills gays in Jerusalem""More than 5 thousand Us Dollars (5,2 thousand us$) is what is worth each homosexual killed during the pride parade this friday.According to the Israeli police homosexuals are in real danger of being run down and hit by grenades and/or by incendiary bombs (Molotov cocktails)"Are they mad? I wonder if gays did the same to Jews ....Put a price on their heads.And i mostly wonder if this radical group has representatives in the Israeli parliament and/or part of the present government coalition... If so The Israeli State can be held responsible.
Unfortunately i couldn't find this News in English so i did a quick translation (below).To read the news in Portuguese (Br.) click on the link."Grupo dá recompensa a quem matar gays em Jerusalém""Mais de cinco mil dólares é o que vale cada homossexual morto durante a parada gay de Jerusalém, que acontece na próxima sexta-feira, 10/11.Um grupo extremista israelense está oferecendo US$ 5,2 mil pela morte de ativistas homossexuais que participarem da manifestação, já marcada por protestos de judeus ultra-ortodoxos.Segundo a polícia israelense, os homossexuais correm risco de serem atropelados e atingidos por granadas ou coquetéis molotov."English Translation:"Radical Jewish/Israeli Group offers Reward to whom kills gays in Jerusalem""More than 5 thousand Us Dollars (5,2 thousand us$) is what is worth each homosexual killed during the pride parade this friday.According to the Israeli police homosexuals are in real danger of being run down and hit by grenades and/or by incendiary bombs (Molotov cocktails)"Are they mad? I wonder if gays did the same to Jews ....Put a price on their heads.And i mostly wonder if this radical group has representatives in the Israeli parliament and/or part of the present government coalition... If so The Israeli State can be held responsible.