"The electronic customs initiative, as set out in the Electronic Customs Decision, aims to establish secure, interoperable electronic customs systems for the exchange of data between Member States and traders to:
Facilitate import and export procedures;Reduce compliance and administrative costs;Improve clearance times;Coordinate the approach to the control of goods and application of the legislation; Ensure proper collection of Community duties and charges;Enable the seamless flow of data between the parties involved and allow re-use of data. The eCustoms Programme contains a number of individual projects which are detailed in the Multi-Annual Strategic Plan. The priority projects are ECS Phase 2, ICS, AEO/EORI and NCTS Phase 4. Further detail on these projects is contained in the relevant sections below.
Requirements for Export and Import SADS – 1st July 2009Policy/LegislationElectronic Customs Multi-Annual Strategic PlanExport Control System Import Control System Economic Operators' Registration and Identification System (EORI)NCTS Technical SpecificationsOther ProjectsTrade Presentations/Information"
"The electronic customs initiative, as set out in the Electronic Customs Decision, aims to establish secure, interoperable electronic customs systems for the exchange of data between Member States and traders to:
Facilitate import and export procedures;Reduce compliance and administrative costs;Improve clearance times;Coordinate the approach to the control of goods and application of the legislation; Ensure proper collection of Community duties and charges;Enable the seamless flow of data between the parties involved and allow re-use of data. The eCustoms Programme contains a number of individual projects which are detailed in the Multi-Annual Strategic Plan. The priority projects are ECS Phase 2, ICS, AEO/EORI and NCTS Phase 4. Further detail on these projects is contained in the relevant sections below.
Requirements for Export and Import SADS – 1st July 2009Policy/LegislationElectronic Customs Multi-Annual Strategic PlanExport Control System Import Control System Economic Operators' Registration and Identification System (EORI)NCTS Technical SpecificationsOther ProjectsTrade Presentations/Information"