"Yes. In the current system, customs authorities are not often able to make proper checks at export and determine the legality of exported goods, so the protection offered by certificates of origin is sometimes illusory. Under the new system, the authorities would be able concentrate their resources on more effective post-clearance controls. Requiring exporters to be registered would ensure that the authorities know who they were dealing with."
More information in http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/customs_duties/rules_origin/index_en.htm
(in Europa)
"Yes. In the current system, customs authorities are not often able to make proper checks at export and determine the legality of exported goods, so the protection offered by certificates of origin is sometimes illusory. Under the new system, the authorities would be able concentrate their resources on more effective post-clearance controls. Requiring exporters to be registered would ensure that the authorities know who they were dealing with."
More information in http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/customs_duties/rules_origin/index_en.htm
(in Europa)