Blogue Aduaneiro, Alfândegas, Customs, Douanes, Aduanas, Comércio Mundial, Import-Export: Can all products benefit from preferential origin?

marcar artigo

"No. A country will not grant preferences to goods, which it considers to be sensitive for its industries. Certain goods will therefore be excluded from the terms of the preferences offered. Where there is a bilateral agreement, this is a matter for negotiation between the parties. It is always necessary to confirm that your goods are amongst those that are covered in the arrangements between your country and that of your trading partner." (in Europa) 

"No. A country will not grant preferences to goods, which it considers to be sensitive for its industries. Certain goods will therefore be excluded from the terms of the preferences offered. Where there is a bilateral agreement, this is a matter for negotiation between the parties. It is always necessary to confirm that your goods are amongst those that are covered in the arrangements between your country and that of your trading partner." (in Europa) 

marcar artigo