Blogue Aduaneiro, Alfândegas, Customs, Douanes, Aduanas, Comércio Mundial, Import-Export: Storage

marcar artigo

"In the Netherlands, there are the following options for the storage of goods under customs control:•temporary storage premises (RTO)•type B customs warehouse•type C customs warehouse•type D customs warehouse•type E customs warehouse•free warehouse•free zone of control type 2Type A and F customs warehouses and the free zone of control type 1 are not used in the Netherlands."(in Douane, Customs Administration of the Netherlands)

"In the Netherlands, there are the following options for the storage of goods under customs control:•temporary storage premises (RTO)•type B customs warehouse•type C customs warehouse•type D customs warehouse•type E customs warehouse•free warehouse•free zone of control type 2Type A and F customs warehouses and the free zone of control type 1 are not used in the Netherlands."(in Douane, Customs Administration of the Netherlands)

marcar artigo