Antologias: The Portuguese Discoverers (XIX)

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The Portuguese Discoverers (XIX) via Carreira da Índia de Leonel Vicente em 20/11/08 Prince Henry gathered information about the interior lands from which the treasures of Ceuta had come. He heard tales of a curious trade, "the silent trade", designed for peoples who did not know each other's language. The Muslim caravans that went southward from Morocco across the Atlas Mountains arrived after twenty days at the shores of the Senegal River. There the Moroccan traders laid out separate piles of salt, of beads from Ceutan coral, and cheap manufactured goods. Then they retreated out of sight. The local tribesmen, who lived in the strip mines where they dug their gold, came to the shore and put a heap of gold beside each pile of Moroccan goods. Then they, in turn, went out of view, leaving the Moroccan traders either to take the gold offered for a particular pile or to reduce the pile of their merchandise to suit the offered price in gold. Once again the Moroccan traders withdrew, and the process went on. By this system of commercial etiquette the Moroccans collected their gold. Tales of the bizarre process fired Prince Henry's hopes. "The Portuguese Discoverers", from "The Discoverers", Daniel J. Boorstin, The National Board for the Celebration of Portuguese Discoveries, Lisbon, 1987Daniel J. Boorstin - antigo director da Biblioteca do Congresso

The Portuguese Discoverers (XIX) via Carreira da Índia de Leonel Vicente em 20/11/08 Prince Henry gathered information about the interior lands from which the treasures of Ceuta had come. He heard tales of a curious trade, "the silent trade", designed for peoples who did not know each other's language. The Muslim caravans that went southward from Morocco across the Atlas Mountains arrived after twenty days at the shores of the Senegal River. There the Moroccan traders laid out separate piles of salt, of beads from Ceutan coral, and cheap manufactured goods. Then they retreated out of sight. The local tribesmen, who lived in the strip mines where they dug their gold, came to the shore and put a heap of gold beside each pile of Moroccan goods. Then they, in turn, went out of view, leaving the Moroccan traders either to take the gold offered for a particular pile or to reduce the pile of their merchandise to suit the offered price in gold. Once again the Moroccan traders withdrew, and the process went on. By this system of commercial etiquette the Moroccans collected their gold. Tales of the bizarre process fired Prince Henry's hopes. "The Portuguese Discoverers", from "The Discoverers", Daniel J. Boorstin, The National Board for the Celebration of Portuguese Discoveries, Lisbon, 1987Daniel J. Boorstin - antigo director da Biblioteca do Congresso

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