Blogue Aduaneiro, Alfândegas, Customs, Douanes, Aduanas, Comércio Mundial, Import-Export: The concept of origin

marcar artigo

"Origin is the "economic" nationality of goods in international trade. There are two kinds, non-preferential and preferential.Non-preferential origin confers an "economic" nationality on goods. It is used for determining the origin of products subject to all kinds of commercial policy measures (such as anti-dumping measures, quantitative restrictions) or tariff quotas. It is also used for statistical purposes. Other provisions, such as those related to public tenders or origin marking, are also linked with the non-preferential origin of the products. In addition, the EU's export refunds in the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy are often based on non-preferential origin.Preferential origin confers certain benefits on goods traded between particular countries, namely entry at a reduced or zero rate of duty.In either case, an important element in determining the origin of goods is their tariff classification. Goods in trade are identified in the Community by a code number in the Combined Nomenclature (CN) and before trying to determine their origin it is essential that their CN code has been identified.Movement of goods within Customs unions is not based on their originating status but on the fact that they comply with provisions on free circulation. However, some products in trade with the countries concerned do not fall within the scope of the customs union but remain subject to a preferential treatment based on origin." (in Europa)

"Origin is the "economic" nationality of goods in international trade. There are two kinds, non-preferential and preferential.Non-preferential origin confers an "economic" nationality on goods. It is used for determining the origin of products subject to all kinds of commercial policy measures (such as anti-dumping measures, quantitative restrictions) or tariff quotas. It is also used for statistical purposes. Other provisions, such as those related to public tenders or origin marking, are also linked with the non-preferential origin of the products. In addition, the EU's export refunds in the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy are often based on non-preferential origin.Preferential origin confers certain benefits on goods traded between particular countries, namely entry at a reduced or zero rate of duty.In either case, an important element in determining the origin of goods is their tariff classification. Goods in trade are identified in the Community by a code number in the Combined Nomenclature (CN) and before trying to determine their origin it is essential that their CN code has been identified.Movement of goods within Customs unions is not based on their originating status but on the fact that they comply with provisions on free circulation. However, some products in trade with the countries concerned do not fall within the scope of the customs union but remain subject to a preferential treatment based on origin." (in Europa)

marcar artigo