Kant_O_XimPi: WSWS News

marcar artigo

Afghanistan's gunpoint election The poll takes place under conditions of a continuing foreign military occupation to prop up a puppet government that is notorious for its human rights abuses, corruption and failure to provide for the basic needs of the vast majority of the population. News & Analysis Economic recovery in Europe: Rhetoric and reality Politicians, economists and sections of the media in Germany and France are speaking euphorically of an end to the recession.. One in nine Americans uses food stamps. New AIG head to get at least $7 million annually. Sri Lanka: Police state measures against nurses. "The government is not reducing the gap between the communities but increasing it". Indian students in Australia speak to WSWS about recent racist attacks. US-British conflict over release of Libyan convicted of Lockerbie bombing. Calls for spending cuts and tax hikes in wake of Toronto municipal strike Socialist Equality Party. Vote for the Socialist Equality Party in the German parliamentary elections.. For a socialist answer to the capitalist crisis Correspondence Letters from our readers..

Afghanistan's gunpoint election The poll takes place under conditions of a continuing foreign military occupation to prop up a puppet government that is notorious for its human rights abuses, corruption and failure to provide for the basic needs of the vast majority of the population. News & Analysis Economic recovery in Europe: Rhetoric and reality Politicians, economists and sections of the media in Germany and France are speaking euphorically of an end to the recession.. One in nine Americans uses food stamps. New AIG head to get at least $7 million annually. Sri Lanka: Police state measures against nurses. "The government is not reducing the gap between the communities but increasing it". Indian students in Australia speak to WSWS about recent racist attacks. US-British conflict over release of Libyan convicted of Lockerbie bombing. Calls for spending cuts and tax hikes in wake of Toronto municipal strike Socialist Equality Party. Vote for the Socialist Equality Party in the German parliamentary elections.. For a socialist answer to the capitalist crisis Correspondence Letters from our readers..

marcar artigo