¶¶ pleasure SONGS: Eu Sigo a Religião do Amor

marcar artigo

Não costumo ver muito televisão, mas ontem tive a sorte de assistir nesse aparelho o filme Munich o qual estupidamente não vi na altura em que andava pelos cinemas deste país.A propósito do filme e do novo álbum dos Bright Eyes, 'Cassadaga', sugiro assistir este clip e seguir atentamente as palavras de Conor Oberst, vocalista dos Bright Eyes: "Religion can be such a beautiful thing, and anything that creates empathy for other people or a deeper connection to the universe or God or gives people more understanding of where they're at, I think that's what religion should be and that's beautiful and positive. But ... the problem is that it becomes corrupted and perverted by extremists ... and then they're used for ... anything to create power and sustain wealth for a very small amount of the population. ... That's the aspect of it that I take issue with."[Conor Oberst in Bright Eyes Podcast]

Não costumo ver muito televisão, mas ontem tive a sorte de assistir nesse aparelho o filme Munich o qual estupidamente não vi na altura em que andava pelos cinemas deste país.A propósito do filme e do novo álbum dos Bright Eyes, 'Cassadaga', sugiro assistir este clip e seguir atentamente as palavras de Conor Oberst, vocalista dos Bright Eyes: "Religion can be such a beautiful thing, and anything that creates empathy for other people or a deeper connection to the universe or God or gives people more understanding of where they're at, I think that's what religion should be and that's beautiful and positive. But ... the problem is that it becomes corrupted and perverted by extremists ... and then they're used for ... anything to create power and sustain wealth for a very small amount of the population. ... That's the aspect of it that I take issue with."[Conor Oberst in Bright Eyes Podcast]

marcar artigo