que raio de saúde a nossa: it's time of the turning

marcar artigo

OVO - Peter Gabriel 2000In the big houseWhere the sun livesWith the walls so white and blueIn the red soilAll the green growsAnd the winds blow across your face, they blow across your heartIt’s time of the turning and there’s something stirring outsideIt’s time of the turning and we’d better learn to say our goodbyesAll the earth breaksLike a stale breadAnd the seeds are folded in the soilOh, the sun poursThen the rains fallWhile the roots reach right out through the ground, they reach out through the groundIt’s time of the turning and there’s something stirring outsideIt’s time of the turning and the old world’s fallingNothing you can do can stop the next emergingTime of the turning and we’d better learn to say our goodbyesIf we can stand upWhen all else falls downWe will last through the winterWe will last through the stormsWe will last through the north windsThat brings down the ice and snowWe will last through the long nights, till the green field’s growing againGrowing againÉ a esperança e a certeza que tenho.Quando "tudo" parece estar a cair, conseguiremos passar o inverno, as tempestades e os ventos frios do norte. Mantenhamo-nos de pé e os prados verdes voltarão a aparecer.

OVO - Peter Gabriel 2000In the big houseWhere the sun livesWith the walls so white and blueIn the red soilAll the green growsAnd the winds blow across your face, they blow across your heartIt’s time of the turning and there’s something stirring outsideIt’s time of the turning and we’d better learn to say our goodbyesAll the earth breaksLike a stale breadAnd the seeds are folded in the soilOh, the sun poursThen the rains fallWhile the roots reach right out through the ground, they reach out through the groundIt’s time of the turning and there’s something stirring outsideIt’s time of the turning and the old world’s fallingNothing you can do can stop the next emergingTime of the turning and we’d better learn to say our goodbyesIf we can stand upWhen all else falls downWe will last through the winterWe will last through the stormsWe will last through the north windsThat brings down the ice and snowWe will last through the long nights, till the green field’s growing againGrowing againÉ a esperança e a certeza que tenho.Quando "tudo" parece estar a cair, conseguiremos passar o inverno, as tempestades e os ventos frios do norte. Mantenhamo-nos de pé e os prados verdes voltarão a aparecer.

marcar artigo