A Arte da Fuga: Sinestesia

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A propósito de Wassily Kandinsky (mais um fascínio de estimação — Henrique Raposo, comentário?), um post sobre um fenómeno quase fantástico:Synaesthesia (also spelled synesthesia); from the Greek (syn-) “union”, and (aesthesis) “sensation”; is the neurological mixing of the senses. A synaesthete may, for example, hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes: People with synesthesia—whose senses blend together—are providing valuable clues to understanding the organization and functions of the human brain (Scientific American)A Brief History of Synaesthesia and Music (Thereminvox)Artificial Synesthesia for Synthetic Vision (Seeing with Sound)

A propósito de Wassily Kandinsky (mais um fascínio de estimação — Henrique Raposo, comentário?), um post sobre um fenómeno quase fantástico:Synaesthesia (also spelled synesthesia); from the Greek (syn-) “union”, and (aesthesis) “sensation”; is the neurological mixing of the senses. A synaesthete may, for example, hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes: People with synesthesia—whose senses blend together—are providing valuable clues to understanding the organization and functions of the human brain (Scientific American)A Brief History of Synaesthesia and Music (Thereminvox)Artificial Synesthesia for Synthetic Vision (Seeing with Sound)

A propósito de Wassily Kandinsky (mais um fascínio de estimação — Henrique Raposo, comentário?), um post sobre um fenómeno quase fantástico:Synaesthesia (also spelled synesthesia); from the Greek (syn-) “union”, and (aesthesis) “sensation”; is the neurological mixing of the senses. A synaesthete may, for example, hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes: People with synesthesia—whose senses blend together—are providing valuable clues to understanding the organization and functions of the human brain (Scientific American)A Brief History of Synaesthesia and Music (Thereminvox)Artificial Synesthesia for Synthetic Vision (Seeing with Sound)

A propósito de Wassily Kandinsky (mais um fascínio de estimação — Henrique Raposo, comentário?), um post sobre um fenómeno quase fantástico:Synaesthesia (also spelled synesthesia); from the Greek (syn-) “union”, and (aesthesis) “sensation”; is the neurological mixing of the senses. A synaesthete may, for example, hear colors, see sounds, and taste tactile sensations. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes: People with synesthesia—whose senses blend together—are providing valuable clues to understanding the organization and functions of the human brain (Scientific American)A Brief History of Synaesthesia and Music (Thereminvox)Artificial Synesthesia for Synthetic Vision (Seeing with Sound)

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