Causa Nossa: Mercados financeiros globais precisam de regulação global

marcar artigo

O Primeiro-Ministro britânico publicou no Financial Times a sua visão sobre a crise financeira e o modo de regular o sistema financeiro mundial:«While financial flows and therefore risks have crossed borders effortlessly and reside in global companies, their supervisors and regulators are largely national. The world has no effective early warning system and no common approach to handling major global market disruptions. (...) We need a clearer, more authoritative watchdog. Regulators need to be enabled to overcome their boundaries with common principles, shared analyses and information, and collaborative management of crises.(...) The International Monetary Fund should be at the heart of this reform. (...) To be effective for a new era, the IMF should act with the same independence as a central bank – responsible for the surveillance of the world economy, for informing and educating markets, and for enforcing transparency through the system. (...) We should also consider how the IMF’s responsibilities for financial stability could be made clearer.» (Gordon Brown, "Ways to fix the world’s financial system", Financial Times). As crises são o melhor incentivo das reformas. A proposta de Brown faz sentido. É preciso um regulador global para a globalização financeira.

O Primeiro-Ministro britânico publicou no Financial Times a sua visão sobre a crise financeira e o modo de regular o sistema financeiro mundial:«While financial flows and therefore risks have crossed borders effortlessly and reside in global companies, their supervisors and regulators are largely national. The world has no effective early warning system and no common approach to handling major global market disruptions. (...) We need a clearer, more authoritative watchdog. Regulators need to be enabled to overcome their boundaries with common principles, shared analyses and information, and collaborative management of crises.(...) The International Monetary Fund should be at the heart of this reform. (...) To be effective for a new era, the IMF should act with the same independence as a central bank – responsible for the surveillance of the world economy, for informing and educating markets, and for enforcing transparency through the system. (...) We should also consider how the IMF’s responsibilities for financial stability could be made clearer.» (Gordon Brown, "Ways to fix the world’s financial system", Financial Times). As crises são o melhor incentivo das reformas. A proposta de Brown faz sentido. É preciso um regulador global para a globalização financeira.

marcar artigo