More than 60 million clients in 2017

marcar artigo

Metro do Porto, Porto Metropolitan Area’s metro system, reached its best demand register in 2017, surpassing for the first time the mark of 60 million annual customers. According to preliminary data, the number of passengers increased about 2.6 million, reaching 60.6 million validations during the year. When compared with the previous year, the demand of the Metro network grew up 4.5 per cent, a record in the history of the system.

An analysis of the results shows that each line contributed positively to the growth of demand. In absolute terms, the common segment between Senhora da Hora and Estádio do Dragão had an increase of about 1.3 million of customers, being responsible for almost 50% of new validations. The Yellow line, from Hospital de S. João to Santo Ovídio, represented one third of the increase, with more than 800,000 new customers. In percentage terms, the Violet Line (E), which serves the Airport of Porto, was the one who grew up (11%), obtaining approximately 100,000 additional validations. According to these data, it is estimated that in 2017 more than 1.9 million people have used the Metro in movements to and from the airport.

The remaining lines had also very positive performances, Blue (A) with 5.8%, Red (B) with 2.8%, Green (C) with 2.9%, and Orange (F), with 4.6%. The growth was stable throughout the year and it was found in almost every month. All trimester have had positive behaviour in relation to the same period of 2016 – 1st quarter + 7.9%; 2nd quarter + 2.1%; 3rd quarter + 4.9%; 4th + 3.3%.

Despite some problems of supply during the year –which from resulted the obligation to perform a deep maintenance operation in 72 Eurotram fleet - compositions, it was possible to match the continuing trend of demand growth.

Jorge Delgado, President of the Board of Directors of Metro do Porto, analyses the numbers within a framework of "increase of economic activity and employment in the metropolitan area of Porto, which leads to greater mobility needs and also growth of tourism". He also highlights "the high quality of service and reliability, which are the main factors that make Metro a reliable reference".

As far as the expansions of the network is being prepared - with the development of projects for Pink line (S.Bento/Hospital de Santo António/Galicia/Casa da Música) and for the extension of Yellow line (de Santo Ovídio to Vila d'Este) - and to start a new sublease contract for operation and maintenance of the system is about to start (in April), Jorge Delgado believes that "the absolute record achieved in 2017 reinforces the growth line of the system, practically since the first year of operation. It is a remarkable result, but that only increases our responsibility and our requirement to continue to provide a high quality service to the population. On the other hand, these numbers, in addition to technical studies, the decisions taken by the Government and, in particular, by the Ministry of Environment related to the expansion of the network, are an important contribute that justifies the economic viability of the new lines. "



Metro do Porto, Porto Metropolitan Area’s metro system, reached its best demand register in 2017, surpassing for the first time the mark of 60 million annual customers. According to preliminary data, the number of passengers increased about 2.6 million, reaching 60.6 million validations during the year. When compared with the previous year, the demand of the Metro network grew up 4.5 per cent, a record in the history of the system.

An analysis of the results shows that each line contributed positively to the growth of demand. In absolute terms, the common segment between Senhora da Hora and Estádio do Dragão had an increase of about 1.3 million of customers, being responsible for almost 50% of new validations. The Yellow line, from Hospital de S. João to Santo Ovídio, represented one third of the increase, with more than 800,000 new customers. In percentage terms, the Violet Line (E), which serves the Airport of Porto, was the one who grew up (11%), obtaining approximately 100,000 additional validations. According to these data, it is estimated that in 2017 more than 1.9 million people have used the Metro in movements to and from the airport.

The remaining lines had also very positive performances, Blue (A) with 5.8%, Red (B) with 2.8%, Green (C) with 2.9%, and Orange (F), with 4.6%. The growth was stable throughout the year and it was found in almost every month. All trimester have had positive behaviour in relation to the same period of 2016 – 1st quarter + 7.9%; 2nd quarter + 2.1%; 3rd quarter + 4.9%; 4th + 3.3%.

Despite some problems of supply during the year –which from resulted the obligation to perform a deep maintenance operation in 72 Eurotram fleet - compositions, it was possible to match the continuing trend of demand growth.

Jorge Delgado, President of the Board of Directors of Metro do Porto, analyses the numbers within a framework of "increase of economic activity and employment in the metropolitan area of Porto, which leads to greater mobility needs and also growth of tourism". He also highlights "the high quality of service and reliability, which are the main factors that make Metro a reliable reference".

As far as the expansions of the network is being prepared - with the development of projects for Pink line (S.Bento/Hospital de Santo António/Galicia/Casa da Música) and for the extension of Yellow line (de Santo Ovídio to Vila d'Este) - and to start a new sublease contract for operation and maintenance of the system is about to start (in April), Jorge Delgado believes that "the absolute record achieved in 2017 reinforces the growth line of the system, practically since the first year of operation. It is a remarkable result, but that only increases our responsibility and our requirement to continue to provide a high quality service to the population. On the other hand, these numbers, in addition to technical studies, the decisions taken by the Government and, in particular, by the Ministry of Environment related to the expansion of the network, are an important contribute that justifies the economic viability of the new lines. "

marcar artigo