Bloco de Esquerda keeps abstention in the global final vote on the Supplementary Budget

marcar artigo

The Left Bloc will maintain the abstention vote in the final global vote on the Supplementary Budget, which will take place tomorrow, supporting the decision on the measures that were made possible, but also “the convergent votes” of the PS and PSD.

"Following the decision of the National Bureau, considering both the advances achieved and the convergent votes of PS and PSD that prevented more substantial changes in the specialty of the Supplementary Budget, the Left Bloc will maintain the sense of voting in the final global vote", said a source of the blockers to the Jornal Económico.

In the general vote, the Left Bloc made the document viable by abstaining. Parliament approved the proposal at this stage with the PSD, PCP, PEV, PAN and non-registered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira abstaining and the votes against CDS-PP, the Liberal Initiative and Chega.

In the specialty, Bloco de Esquerda was able to approve the 100% retirement guarantee, up to a limit of 28 days for patients infected with Covid-19, as well as the non-deductible bank contribution for the purposes of determining the taxable profit in IRC. The Left Block also managed to partially approve the proposal to exclude companies based in offshore public support.

It also saw the proposal approved that predicted that a declaration of honor would be necessary, instead of proof of loss of income, for support for the lease of the IHRU. The blockers were also able to approve the ban on excluding children from daycare centers due to the non-payment of the monthly fee during the confinement period and the impediment of being charged food and transportation expenses to the families during the period when the daycare centers were closed.

The global vote on the Supplementary Budget is scheduled for tomorrow and so far, alongside the blockers, the PSD has already announced that it will maintain its sense of vote, while the PCP changed the vote and will vote against.

(Updated at 19h59)

The Left Bloc will maintain the abstention vote in the final global vote on the Supplementary Budget, which will take place tomorrow, supporting the decision on the measures that were made possible, but also “the convergent votes” of the PS and PSD.

"Following the decision of the National Bureau, considering both the advances achieved and the convergent votes of PS and PSD that prevented more substantial changes in the specialty of the Supplementary Budget, the Left Bloc will maintain the sense of voting in the final global vote", said a source of the blockers to the Jornal Económico.

In the general vote, the Left Bloc made the document viable by abstaining. Parliament approved the proposal at this stage with the PSD, PCP, PEV, PAN and non-registered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira abstaining and the votes against CDS-PP, the Liberal Initiative and Chega.

In the specialty, Bloco de Esquerda was able to approve the 100% retirement guarantee, up to a limit of 28 days for patients infected with Covid-19, as well as the non-deductible bank contribution for the purposes of determining the taxable profit in IRC. The Left Block also managed to partially approve the proposal to exclude companies based in offshore public support.

It also saw the proposal approved that predicted that a declaration of honor would be necessary, instead of proof of loss of income, for support for the lease of the IHRU. The blockers were also able to approve the ban on excluding children from daycare centers due to the non-payment of the monthly fee during the confinement period and the impediment of being charged food and transportation expenses to the families during the period when the daycare centers were closed.

The global vote on the Supplementary Budget is scheduled for tomorrow and so far, alongside the blockers, the PSD has already announced that it will maintain its sense of vote, while the PCP changed the vote and will vote against.

(Updated at 19h59)

marcar artigo