JURAMENTO SEM BANDEIRA: Marquês dos pântanos #1

marcar artigo

"It may not sound like much today, but 'Heartbreak Hotel' had the effect on me of a naked extraterrestrial walking through the door and announcing that he/she was going to live with me for the rest of my life."(in "Margrave of the Marshes", John Peel and Sheila Ravenscroft, ed. Corgi Books, 2006)

"It may not sound like much today, but 'Heartbreak Hotel' had the effect on me of a naked extraterrestrial walking through the door and announcing that he/she was going to live with me for the rest of my life."(in "Margrave of the Marshes", John Peel and Sheila Ravenscroft, ed. Corgi Books, 2006)

marcar artigo