Support to community pharmacies: PCP, CDS-PP and Liberal Initiative projects approved

marcar artigo

The PCP, CDS-PP and Liberal Initiative projects that aim to support community pharmacies and access to the medicine were approved by the Assembly of the Republic in a plenary meeting that took place this Thursday.

The proposal of the PCP, which had votes in favor of the PCP, Bloco de Esquerda, PAN, PEV and the non-registered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira, aimed to “ensure the population's access to medicines throughout the territory under conditions of equality and security ”Explained Congresswoman Paula Santos of the PCP, during the May 27th plenary meeting where the projects were submitted.

In the same project, the Communist Party also called for the “drug store without a prescription to be carried out exclusively in community pharmacies”. In this project, the Liberal Initiative voted against and PSD, PS, Enough! and CDS-PP abstained.

The centrist proposal, on the other hand, required the ability of pharmacies to "provide more services with more active regulation and the recognition that they provide universal service in geographical areas where economic viability is very difficult", said Ana Rita Bessa during a plenary meeting . The proposal was approved by the CDS-PP, Chega, PSD, PAN and Liberal Initiative, with votes against the Left Block, PEV, PCP and the non-registered deputy, and the PS abstained.

As for access to medicines, the Liberal Initiative proposal that aimed to guarantee the “pantry of hospital medicines taken regularly in community pharmacies” had votes in favor of the Liberal Initiative, PSD, CDS-PP, Chega and PAN and votes against the PCP , Left Block, ENP and non-registered deputy. The PS chose to abstain.

The second project of the Liberal Initiative on sustainability in access to medicine was approved by the Liberal Initiative, PSD, Chega, PAN, CDS-PP, the PS again abstained and the PCP, Bloco de Esquerda, ENP and non-registered deputy voted against . During a plenary meeting, João Cotrim de Figueiredo had requested “the reinforcement of the sustainability of the drug chain and through the review of margin formation and price formation mechanisms”.

In addition to the party's proposals, during the May 27th plenary session, a petition signed by 120 citizens asking for the adoption of measures to save pharmacies was also submitted.

The PCP, CDS-PP and Liberal Initiative projects that aim to support community pharmacies and access to the medicine were approved by the Assembly of the Republic in a plenary meeting that took place this Thursday.

The proposal of the PCP, which had votes in favor of the PCP, Bloco de Esquerda, PAN, PEV and the non-registered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira, aimed to “ensure the population's access to medicines throughout the territory under conditions of equality and security ”Explained Congresswoman Paula Santos of the PCP, during the May 27th plenary meeting where the projects were submitted.

In the same project, the Communist Party also called for the “drug store without a prescription to be carried out exclusively in community pharmacies”. In this project, the Liberal Initiative voted against and PSD, PS, Enough! and CDS-PP abstained.

The centrist proposal, on the other hand, required the ability of pharmacies to "provide more services with more active regulation and the recognition that they provide universal service in geographical areas where economic viability is very difficult", said Ana Rita Bessa during a plenary meeting . The proposal was approved by the CDS-PP, Chega, PSD, PAN and Liberal Initiative, with votes against the Left Block, PEV, PCP and the non-registered deputy, and the PS abstained.

As for access to medicines, the Liberal Initiative proposal that aimed to guarantee the “pantry of hospital medicines taken regularly in community pharmacies” had votes in favor of the Liberal Initiative, PSD, CDS-PP, Chega and PAN and votes against the PCP , Left Block, ENP and non-registered deputy. The PS chose to abstain.

The second project of the Liberal Initiative on sustainability in access to medicine was approved by the Liberal Initiative, PSD, Chega, PAN, CDS-PP, the PS again abstained and the PCP, Bloco de Esquerda, ENP and non-registered deputy voted against . During a plenary meeting, João Cotrim de Figueiredo had requested “the reinforcement of the sustainability of the drug chain and through the review of margin formation and price formation mechanisms”.

In addition to the party's proposals, during the May 27th plenary session, a petition signed by 120 citizens asking for the adoption of measures to save pharmacies was also submitted.

marcar artigo